Have a nice cup of tea!

You might think that I’m going off topic by writing about tea but let’s face it, how many of us put the kettle on before we settle down with a good book? Exactly, and that’s why I thought it was worthy of an entire blog post.

Although we think of tea as a very British drink it is in fact enjoyed in some form or another all over the world, with or without literature as an additional ingredient. Now, I’m not going to get into the teabag or leaf debate. I have teas made using both methods and providing they serve their purpose and taste good I don’t really mind whether my tea comes in a handy little bag or loose.

If, like me, you’ve spent any time working outside in the middle of the winter “as long as it’s hot and wet and goes down the right way, that’s all that matters”. This incredibly sensible quotation from the Duchess of York says it all about tea really. As long as it’s good it doesn’t matter how it got from tea caddy to cup.

We all love tea!

As we’re talking tea related quotations then the most famous quotation loved by all good geeks is “Computer. Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.” Said, of course, by the enigmatic Captain Jean Luc Picard himself.

I’m quite partial to a nice cup of Earl Grey with a good book myself, with lemon not milk if you want to know. However, my favourite tea right now has to be Russian Caravan tea because of the deep, smoky taste that’s equally good whether you have sugar or not.

The machines are taking over!

When it comes to reading I like to keep things simple, and by that I mean with a real book, Sorry Kindle lovers but I won’t be joining you on the Dark Side any time soon!  However, the one machine that I’m starting to think might be useful to my reading is a Teasmade.

I mean think about it, how many times have you sat down with a book and then realised that what you really want it a nice cup of tea? Which of course means getting up, faffing with the kettle, waiting for it to boil, and then having to settle yourself down again when the tea making process is complete.

A waste of time if you ask me and it could all be stopped if you bought a Teasmade. Not that I have one yet, but a girl can dream can’t she?

What’s your flavour?

Black, white, green, fruity, calming, reviving, metabolism boosting, there seems to be a tea for every occasion these days. So tell me, what’s your favourite tea to drink whilst reading?